Garbage Reminders
Posted on Feb 28th, 2022
Hello Summerfield Residents,
We have had a few incidents recently with garbage being put curbside & not being secure enough to withstand the strong winds and/or animals. Unfortunately, this has resulted in garbage being strewn in the streets & on your neighbor's property. Please take note of the Summerfield rules regarding garbage disposal:
Household refuge must be placed at curbside in sealed containers. Black plastic bags may be only used if properly secured. White bags are not permitted.
Waste receptacles are to be kept inside or within a covered container between pick-up days, due to excessively windy conditions in this area.
Containers are to be placed at curbside no earlier than 7pm the evening before a pick-up & removed as promptly as possible after pick-up & no later than 10pm.
The homeowners' Association owns the roadways within the community & is responsible for maintaining them. The Town of Brookhaven does not pick-up, clean, or maintain our streets. It is up to all of us to keep our community clean.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Summerfield HOA
Board of Directors